Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

Whoops. I need to update this more often.

I got my LSAT (part 3) results back and FINALLY killed it. It's awesome and very overwhelming because now my list of schools has drastically changed. My reaches are now safeties.

Top choices? University of Virginia, Michigan, Cornell, Vanderbilt, University of Texas, University of Washington, and George Washington. Crazy. I have pretty good shots at all but UVA. Hopefully I'll start hearing back from some schools that I had already applied to (i.e. UT, UW and GWU) in the next couple weeks. Most Admitted Student Weekends are in March or April so I should know almost everything by then!

Life...moves really fast!

I'm working at Dirty Dog still and really enjoying it. It's a really great job and I'm learning some great skills. Plus, PUPPIES. I'm hopefully about to start a small internship with a local non-profit that works with at-risk or on probation teenage girls. Hopefully it'll work ok with my Dirty Dog schedule. I'm waiting to hear what will work out. I don't want to get too overloaded and I want to treasure this down time and all the time I have to spend with Indy.

Speaking of... We are now in Agility 2 and Indy continues to be a rockstar. He's been a huge blessing to me and I'm so grateful for him, even when he's a brat. He turns 1 in a couple weeks. I'm still going to call him a puppy though.

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