Monday, October 11, 2010


Since graduating, 'adrift' best describes how I feel. I'm still glad I'm taking a year off between Whitworth and law school, but it feels just like a stop-gap effort. I'm living in an apartment...for a little while. I'm trying to find a job...but not a permanent one. I need a job I'll like (at least marginally) ...but can leave after 9 months. I took the LSAT...but I'm waiting for results that will directly change the course of my future (no pressure).

It's frustrating to feel so without purpose. Even on my "productive days," I get up early, run at Town Lake, take Indy to the dog park, give him a bath..........that's it. I've been watching loads of TV and reading a bunch, but I just feel so lost! I'm sure I'll miss all this free time the second I get a job, but it feels like it's smothering me right now.

I have a lot of good stuff to look forward to in the future though, so I'll focus on that. A week in Spokane (heaven!) with amazing amazing people, Indy's agility classes starting up, Indy getting old enough that I can take him running with me, going out more frequently, going on some dates with my online suitors (woohoo), and discovering more about Austin! There, I feel better already, cold aside.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

it is finished.

LSAT conquered. dominated. subjugated to my will.

20 days til scores are released.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

the Beast looms...


No lie, I am freaking out a little. However, I earned my best score ever (!!!) on Tuesday when I took my last practice test. Seriously, it was fabulous. I was planning to take one more today, but I didn't want to ruin my serious injection of good mojo.

So much depends on this silly little test. I'm trying not to think about it too hard, but it is reality. 3 points could drastically change my future! Yikes. Oh well, any improvement I make over last December will be well worth it.

As a well-deserved (in my opinion) reward for working my butt off on the LSAT, I get to visit Spokane on the 13th! I'm very excited! I kind of wanted to visit a little later to ration out the awesomeness, but with no viable employment offers currently, it made the most sense. I'm looking forward to almost a week of friends, fall, Greenbluff?, and chai! There are so many people I want to see. Friday frisbee? Running in gorgeous weather? Hanging out in the coffee shop or in the Loop. Ahhh...