Monday, December 13, 2010

A story of honor and bravery.

I am done with the LSAT. Forever. No matter what. DANG that feels good. I'm halfway tempted to create a little (illegal) bonfire on my patio of all my books and practice tests. I stick to the letter of the law though (and it would be ironic to break the law while burning study materials for the Law School Admissions Test).

The last battle between LSAC (Law School Admissions Council) and my brave, noble, persevering self took place this Saturday. It was a pitched battle beginning in the wee hours of the morn. I arose, clothed myself in splendor (Akili shirt and sweatpants. What up) and journeyed to the unfamiliar territory of UT campus. I arrived almost an hour too early and motivated myself with epic music within my trusty steed, Delilah the Fit.

I was interrogated and fingerprinted upon my entry to the testing chamber. No full body scan, however. My fellow warriors settled in and the Emissary of the Dark LSAC read the rules of the conflict. No hoodies, water bottles, digital watches, things that beeped, cell phones, mechanical pencils, or any other such frivolity would be allowed in this sacred chamber. I solemnly sharpened my 10 #2 HB pencils (one can never be too safe), popped open the seal and began the fight that might define my future.

I faced Reading Comprehension first. A fair weather friend, it can either help me greatly or harm me severely on my quest. However, this time it accepted an uneasy truce and I fought through valiantly with time to spare. Next with Logic Games. A horrifying, demonic section usually, this one proved to be more like a kitten than a roaring dragon. I eyed it with suspicion. I feared, and knew (in my heart of hearts) that this must be the dastardly Experimental section that counts for nothing! It is only a farce to weary the valiant and delay their quests. Before I could rest or eat I had to face one more foe. Logical Reasoning. It fell to my sword easily. We were allowed 15 minutes to eat and use the facilities. I only wet my mouth, knowing that troubles still laid ahead.

After the break I opened the Tome of Destiny and gaped in horror. Not only was it Logic Games again, but there was no room to swing a sword (or diagram a hypothetical). Panic set in. I couldn't seem to draw a breath. The enemy closed in around me. I took a deep breath and plunged through. I did not escape unscathed. I fear I lost points, and lives, but I persevered and ultimately declare dominion over the problems. Lastly, I faced another Logical Reasoning foe. This warrior put up a far more challenging fight, but in the end he was defeated like his brethren.

I celebrated with my comrade and training partner Caroline and we feasted upon queso, spicy jalapeno ranch and pico de gallo. Once refreshed, I began the long trek home. Exhausted, mentally and physically drained, but victorious (hopefully).

Only time will tell the results of this quest, but the fight was fought with honor and bravery. My soul is at peace whatever the number may be.

(Seriously, I think it went alright. But this was way more fun to write. I find out at the end of the month. I already have been accepted at Wake Forest again, so a lot of the pressure has lifted. I could be very happy there, but I am hoping for UT!)

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